

 我在《地球上最兇險的動物》一文裡談到破壞生態環境人類名列所有動物第一名最近得知英國文豪 George Bernard Shaw 對人類的「兇險」另有解說

蕭伯納說I have never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from other men. There is not much harm in a lion. He has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility; in short, no reason for destroying anything that he does not want to eat.

理想-宗教-政治-俠義-禮節等等一般世不是視為美德就是認為一個良好社會必要的生活準則蕭伯納卻認為它們也可能是禍源老子說「上德不德是以有德下徳不失德是以無德.上德者不拘泥形式上的德 (不德) 因之有德, 德者只知嚴守形式上的德 (不失徳) 反而無德. 世間有幾人能達上德境界? 引出蕭伯納的感慨.

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